6 Ways to Kill the Customer Service Experience and How to Fix it

A business would not be a business without its customers. Thus the customer service experience is a strategic initiative that a business undertakes to retain as many of its customers as it can while acquiring new customers by building its brand.


Tied closely to that is customer care which can either enhance or diminish a business's reputation depending on how a customer feels about his/her interactions with the company. According to research done by American Express, one bad customer service experience can result in a business losing 33% of its customers.


And since studies have shown that it is 5 times less costly to keep an existing customer than to find a new one, a business owner must prioritize every customer's experience who engages staff, products or services.


There are many ways to ensure your customers have a positive customer service experience, however, there are certain things that can cause them to have a bad customer service experience.


Receiving Bad Customer Service from Different Media Platforms